Run a simple application
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Run a simple application

In the you launched yourfirst containers using the docker run command. You ran an interactive container that ran in the foreground. You also ran a detached container that ran in the background. In the process you learned about several Docker commands:

  • docker ps - Lists containers.
  • docker logs - Shows us the standard output of a container.
  • docker stop - Stops running containers.

Learn about the Docker client

If you didn’t realize it yet, you’ve been using the Docker client each time youtyped docker in your Bash terminal. The client is a simple command line clientalso known as a command-line interface (CLI). Each action you can take withthe client is a command and each command can take a series of flags and arguments.

# Usage:  [sudo] docker [subcommand] [flags] [arguments] ..# Example:$ docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash

You can see this in action by using the docker version command to returnversion information on the currently installed Docker client and daemon.

$ docker version

This command will not only provide you the version of Docker client anddaemon you are using, but also the version of Go (the programminglanguage powering Docker).

Client:  Version:      1.8.1  API version:  1.20  Go version:   go1.4.2  Git commit:   d12ea79  Built:        Thu Aug 13 02:35:49 UTC 2015  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64Server:  Version:      1.8.1  API version:  1.20  Go version:   go1.4.2  Git commit:   d12ea79  Built:        Thu Aug 13 02:35:49 UTC 2015  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

Get Docker command help

You can display the help for specific Docker commands. The help details theoptions and their usage. To see a list of all the possible commands, use thefollowing:

$ docker --help

To see usage for a specific command, specify the command with the --help flag:

$ docker attach --helpUsage: docker attach [OPTIONS] CONTAINERAttach to a running container  --help=false        Print usage  --no-stdin=false    Do not attach stdin  --sig-proxy=true    Proxy all received signals to the process

Note:For further details and examples of each command, see the in this guide.

Running a web application in Docker

So now you’ve learned a bit more about the docker client you can move ontothe important stuff: running more containers. So far none of thecontainers you’ve run did anything particularly useful, so you canchange that by running an example web application in Docker.

For our web application we’re going to run a Python Flask application.Start with a docker run command.

$ docker run -d -P training/webapp python app.py

Review what the command did. You’ve specified two flags: -d and-P. You’ve already seen the -d flag which tells Docker to run thecontainer in the background. The -P flag is new and tells Docker tomap any required network ports inside our container to our host. Thislets us view our web application.

You’ve specified an image: training/webapp. This image is apre-built image you’ve created that contains a simple Python Flask webapplication.

Lastly, you’ve specified a command for our container to run: python app.py. This launches our web application.

Note:You can see more detail on the docker run command in the and the .

Viewing our web application container

Now you can see your running container using the docker ps command.

$ docker ps -lCONTAINER ID  IMAGE                   COMMAND       CREATED        STATUS        PORTS                    NAMESbc533791f3f5  training/webapp:latest  python app.py 5 seconds ago  Up 2 seconds>5000/tcp  nostalgic_morse

You can see you’ve specified a new flag, -l, for the docker pscommand. This tells the docker ps command to return the details of thelast container started.

Note:By default, the docker ps command only shows information about runningcontainers. If you want to see stopped containers too use the -a flag.

We can see the same details we saw with one important addition in the PORTScolumn.


When we passed the -P flag to the docker run command Docker mapped anyports exposed in our image to our host.

Note:We’ll learn more about how to expose ports in Docker images when.

In this case Docker has exposed port 5000 (the default Python Flaskport) on port 49155.

Network port bindings are very configurable in Docker. In our last example the-P flag is a shortcut for -p 5000 that maps port 5000 inside the containerto a high port (from ephemeral port range which typically ranges from 32768to 61000) on the local Docker host. We can also bind Docker containers tospecific ports using the -p flag, for example:

$ docker run -d -p 80:5000 training/webapp python app.py

This would map port 5000 inside our container to port 80 on our localhost. You might be asking about now: why wouldn’t we just want to alwaysuse 1:1 port mappings in Docker containers rather than mapping to highports? Well 1:1 mappings have the constraint of only being able to mapone of each port on your local host.

Suppose you want to test two Python applications: both bound to port 5000 insidetheir own containers. Without Docker’s port mapping you could only access one ata time on the Docker host.

So you can now browse to port 49155 in a web browser tosee the application.

Viewing the web application.

Our Python application is live!

Note:If you have been using a virtual machine on OS X, Windows or Linux,you’ll need to get the IP of the virtual host instead of using localhost.You can do this by running the docker-machine ip your_vm_name from your command line or terminal application, for example:

$ docker-machine ip my-docker-vm192.168.99.100

In this case you’d browse to for the above example.

A network port shortcut

Using the docker ps command to return the mapped port is a bit clumsy soDocker has a useful shortcut we can use: docker port. To use docker port wespecify the ID or name of our container and then the port for which we need thecorresponding public-facing port.

$ docker port nostalgic_morse 50000.0.0.0:49155

In this case you’ve looked up what port is mapped externally to port 5000 insidethe container.

Viewing the web application’s logs

You can also find out a bit more about what’s happening with our application anduse another of the commands you’ve learned, docker logs.

$ docker logs -f nostalgic_morse* Running on - - [23/May/2014 20:16:31] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [23/May/2014 20:16:31] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 -

This time though you’ve added a new flag, -f. This causes the dockerlogs command to act like the tail -f command and watch thecontainer’s standard out. We can see here the logs from Flask showingthe application running on port 5000 and the access log entries for it.

Looking at our web application container’s processes

In addition to the container’s logs we can also examine the processesrunning inside it using the docker top command.

$ docker top nostalgic_morsePID                 USER                COMMAND854                 root                python app.py

Here we can see our python app.py command is the only process running insidethe container.

Inspecting our web application container

Lastly, we can take a low-level dive into our Docker container using thedocker inspect command. It returns a JSON document containing usefulconfiguration and status information for the specified container.

$ docker inspect nostalgic_morse

You can see a sample of that JSON output.

[{    "ID": "bc533791f3f500b280a9626688bc79e342e3ea0d528efe3a86a51ecb28ea20",    "Created": "2014-05-26T05:52:40.808952951Z",    "Path": "python",    "Args": [       "app.py"    ],    "Config": {       "Hostname": "bc533791f3f5",       "Domainname": "",       "User": "",. . .

We can also narrow down the information we want to return by requesting aspecific element, for example to return the container’s IP address we would:

$ docker inspect -f '{
range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{
end}}' nostalgic_morse172.17.0.5

Stopping our web application container

Okay you’ve seen web application working. Now you can stop it using thedocker stop command and the name of our container: nostalgic_morse.

$ docker stop nostalgic_morsenostalgic_morse

We can now use the docker ps command to check if the container hasbeen stopped.

$ docker ps -l

Restarting our web application container

Oops! Just after you stopped the container you get a call to say anotherdeveloper needs the container back. From here you have two choices: youcan create a new container or restart the old one. Look atstarting your previous container back up.

$ docker start nostalgic_morsenostalgic_morse

Now quickly run docker ps -l again to see the running container isback up or browse to the container’s URL to see if the applicationresponds.

Note:Also available is the docker restart command that runs a stop andthen start on the container.

Removing our web application container

Your colleague has let you know that they’ve now finished with the containerand won’t need it again. Now, you can remove it using the docker rm command.

$ docker rm nostalgic_morseError: Impossible to remove a running container, please stop it first or use -f2014/05/24 08:12:56 Error: failed to remove one or more containers

What happened? We can’t actually remove a running container. This protectsyou from accidentally removing a running container you might need. You can trythis again by stopping the container first.

$ docker stop nostalgic_morsenostalgic_morse$ docker rm nostalgic_morsenostalgic_morse

And now our container is stopped and deleted.

Note:Always remember that removing a container is final!

Next steps

Until now you’ve only used images that you’ve downloaded from Docker Hub. Next,you can get introduced to building and sharing our own images.

Go to .


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